Scary Driving Scenarios and Exactly How to Handle Them

Often when driving, we encounter situations that are out of our control. Make the right decisions when in a tight spot with these tips.

1)When there's an oncoming car in your lane

A car is coming straight toward you in your lane. Try getting its attention by honking and flashing your lights while planning a way to avoid them. Don’t stare at the oncoming vehicle, as your car will follow your line of sight. Instead, look where you want to go. Here are more tips for dealing with dangerous driving conditions.

2)To outsmart a carjacker...

When getting into your car at night, be wary of carjackers by getting in quickly and locking the doors right away, instead of taking the time to move things around while the door is still open or relying on automatic locks. If you've gotten in your car to discover a carjacker waiting, get out as fast as possible. If the car is in drive but not moving just get out, and if you are in motion stop as fast as possible to leave. When a carjacker has reached from the back seat to cover your mouth, take one finger and peel it backward as hard as you can. Hopefully this will break the perpetrator's finger and buy you some time to make a quick escape.

3)If you're dealing with blinding sun...

Try to limit your reaction as much as possible. Don't slam on the brakes or swerve, as this could pose a danger to both yourself and other drivers around you. Do your best to continue on your path and remain predictable to other drivers. Check out these summer car tips every driver should know.

4)When someone else is tailgating...

If a car behind you is tailgating and honking, pull over and let it by. It may be an emergency, and either way it is unsafe to travel with another vehicle at such a close proximity.

5)If you spot an impaired driver ahead

If the car ahead of you is swerving and the driver appears to be impaired, give him plenty of room and do not tailgate. Pay close attention, but don't fixate on the vehicle.

6)Not sure how to handle a yellow light at an intersection?

If the light turns yellow as you're approaching an intersection, use your judgment to determine the best course of action. Never go through a yellow light if you think you can stop before the light turns.

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