He learns your routines

Trust is perceived differently for humans and animals, says Vicki Stevens, senior marketing communications manager for companion animals at the Humane Society of the United States. Pets rely on routines to feel normalcy and have comfortable, happy lives. So the best way to build a relationship with your dog is to make these routines positive interactions. If you feed him every day at 8 a.m. or take him for a walk as soon as you get home from work, he becomes conditioned to expect those things at those designated times. Once a routine is set, he’ll be on time to get that food or that walk, and he’ll trust you’ll hold up your end of the arrangement. (Related: If your dog is a new member of the family, beware of these dog training myths that could hurt your puppy.)
He sleeps in your room

“Typically, dogs sleep in a place that they are comfortable,” Lamberti writes, “so sleeping in an owner’s room could certainly be an indication of comfort.” He also noted that environment can affect whether your pooch settles down in your room or on your bed. However, you may want to carefully weigh your pros and cons before you invite him into your bed.
She doesn’t see you angry often

It’s normal to get frustrated at your dog, but a study from Brigham Young University suggested that she can read your emotions, and she’s less likely to trust you when you’re in a bad mood. Researchers tracked how dogs reacted when they saw humans point to a hidden reward silently, and then using positive or negative facial and vocal expressions. When dogs saw the negative behaviors (frowning, furrowed brow, and a harsh voice), they were less willing to search for the treat.
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