13 Telling Things Your Handwriting Reveals About Your Personality

The way you dot your "i's" and cross your "t's" could reveal more than 5,000 different personality traits.

Are your letters pointed or rounded?

Pointed letters are a sign of an intelligent person who might be holding back aggression. Rounded letters signal creativity and artistic ability. These are science-backed ways to boost creative thinking.

How big or small do you write?

Big, outgoing personalities tend to write in large letters; shy, introverted types prefer to write small. If you have average-sized writing, it demonstrates a strong ability to focus and concentrate. These are hidden strengths of being an introvert.

How much do you space your words?

People who leave large spaces between their words enjoy freedom and independence, while those who squeeze their words together tend to like the company of others. If your words are totally jammed together, you might be intrusive or have the tendency to crowd people.

How much pen pressure do you use?

While a very heavy pen pressure can suggest tension and anger; a moderately heavy pressure is a sign of commitment. A soft pressure means you're empathetic and sensitive; you might also lack vitality, according to one National Pen Company study. These are other signs you have incredible empathy.

How do you dot your "i's"?

If you dot your "i's" high on the page you likely have an active imagination. A closely dotted "i" is the mark of an organized and detail-oriented mind. If you dot your "i's" to the left, you might be a procrastinator. And if you dot your "i's" with a circle, you likely have playful and childlike qualities. This is how doodling makes you smarter.

How legible is your signature?

Sign your documents accordingly: A legible signature is a sign of confidence and comfort in one's own skin, while an illegible signature is the mark of a private or hard-to-read person.

Which way does your handwriting slant?

A right slant means you like to meet and work with new people, while a left slant means you prefer to keep to yourself. Left slanters also tend to be reserved and introspective.

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