Showing posts with label Inspiring Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiring Stories. Show all posts
Dads Share the Sweetest, Most Heartwarming Father’s Day Gifts They’ve Ever Received

Dads Share the Sweetest, Most Heartwarming Father’s Day Gifts They’ve Ever Received

The stories on this list made us officially overrule our plan to get dad a tie he'll hardly wear.

Channel your inner fanboy

"My son loves Darth Vader (despite the fact that he's never seen any Star Wars' movies). Every week for a month when we would go grocery shopping, he would stop by the rack that had the key chains, whisper something to his younger brother and then nonchalantly ask, 'Dad, you like Star Wars, right?' It was obvious what I was getting for Father's Day. Unfortunately, I'm not a huge Star Wars' fan! Plus, there's nothing worse (for me at least) than a pocket full of bulging keys. For the past year, I haven't been able to put my keys in my pocket and everyone assumes I'm a Star Wars' nerd. But when I think of how proud my son was to give it to me, well, I'll always be sporting my Darth Vader key chain. I can only pray for a new key chain this Father's Day!" —Gerald Craft, Washington, father of two

Score special tickets to the big game

"This year, my twin sister and I are surprising our dad with tickets to an MLB All-Star game in Miami's Marlins Park when he comes to visit. (Our dad is a baseball-loving, retired Army veteran living in Panama.) He was here last on devastating terms, the sudden funeral of one of his closest friends, his brother. This return to Florida will be special for many reasons: a reunion, the game, Father's Day, and our dad's 60th birthday (also in July). Our dad is frugal and simple and rarely asks for anything; we knew we wanted to accomplish this dream for him." —Luisa Irene Yen, Florida

Outdo yourselves with food, music, and love

"For Father's Day, we have a tradition to visit new restaurants that play fun music. We've tried places that serve Russian, Argentinian, and Colombian food. Last year the family took me to a good ol' American cafe. We listened to country music on the way. I can't wait to see where we 'travel' this year and what new music we will listen to in the car." —Edward L. De La Loza, California, father of two

Start the day with "dad" pancakes. End it with a game.

"My favorite Father's Day celebration was two years ago. The day began with an amazing brunch with pancakes that spelled "DAD" and a picture frame from my daughter. Then we made a trip to Madison Square Garden to see a New York Liberty basketball game. My daughter and I were on the Dad Cam and we caught a free T-shirt and stepped onto the Garden floor." —Christopher Persley, co-organizer of NYC Dads Group, New York, one child
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Adorable Animal Friendships That Will Fill Your Heart with Happiness

Adorable Animal Friendships That Will Fill Your Heart with Happiness

We rounded up the most adorably fuzzy cute animal pics on the web that prove that trust is alive and well, even with animals.

Sometimes the cutest animals teach the youngest humans about trust

"Boxers love children," says dog owner Emily Marnell Stewart. "Our brindle boxer, Mason, is no exception. He is the most affectionate and gentle pup to my one-year-old daughter. He licks up her spilled milk, acts as a step-stool when she wants to get up on the couch, and gives endless cuddles and kisses." Check out the fun facts you never knew about dogs you didn't know.

What happens when a puppy and a duck walk into a bar?

It turns out these snuggle muffins share a meal like old pals, proving that nothing binds creatures quite like good grub. We wonder if this duck even minds the scent of wet dogs closer to his or her native habitat.
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My Husband and I Did Marriage Counseling for One Month—Here’s What Happened

My Husband and I Did Marriage Counseling for One Month—Here’s What Happened

Couples therapy may be an unconventional gift for a 10-year wedding anniversary—but it's exactly what this marriage needed.

It all started with a fight. A heated debate over something critically important–I’m sure of it! At least, it seemed important at that moment. But now, I admit I don’t even remember what the argument was about. Whatever it was, it made me reassess our relationship (as these sorts of blowups usually do), and I had a brilliant thought. Let’s try marriage counseling. Over the years, we’d been through our fair share of garbage—things like prolonged battles with mental and physical health issues, multiple moves, job losses, financial pressures, and the unwanted delay of starting a family. However, the most challenging of all the circumstances was when my husband, Tom, was unexpectedly thrust into the role of being my caregiver. In 2012, my health rapidly deteriorated, leaving me with a sprawling set of debilitating symptoms and no answers. Sadly, I became bedridden from weakness, and endured an inexpressible level of fatigue. I was intolerant to light and sound and had very little contact with friends or family. It was this marked physical decline that landed Tom the lead part as the caregiver in our marriage. It was a difficult job, but he soldiered through it like a champ. Eventually, the diagnosis came. “You have late-stage Lyme disease,” the doctor said with a sympathetic look in his eyes, “There’s no cure, but we’ll try to beat this thing into remission.” His face didn’t look too optimistic. Fast forward to the end of 2016. After multiple doctors, many rounds of harsh drugs and experimental treatments, I’ve made some progress. I’m not yet where I want to be, but I’ve experienced healing in areas that once looked bleak. Enter my idea for marriage counseling. Truthfully, I’ve never been much for counseling, but I could see the years of toiling for my health and struggling to survive had strained our relationship. As our 10-year wedding anniversary approached, I asked Tom if he’d be willing to go to marriage therapy with me as our gift to each other. While marriage counseling might seem like an unconventional present to mark our milestone, it was exactly what we needed to reconnect, deal with the negative patterns of behavior we’d established, and move toward another (hopefully healthier) 10 years. Thankfully, Tom agreed. “What brings you here today?” asked the counselor as we sat down on his pale, upholstered couch. I looked at Tom. Tom looked at me. And for a second, our reason for coming seemed silly. “Well, we had a fight last night, ” I confessed. “We’ve been through a lot in the 10-years we’ve been married, and we’ve dealt with some pretty heavy things. During the next phase of our life, we want to move forward in a more positive way.” In that first session, we discussed the argument. Then, like clockwork, our time was up. We booked a session for the following week, but I was doubtful anything would really come of our experience. Surprisingly, by week three, we experienced a breakthrough in the way we spoke and treated one another. By week four, we both realized we were seeking similar things in the relationship–respect, a listening ear, and some enthusiasm toward maintaining a thriving relationship. Bogged down by the weight of illness, we’d lost sight of the fact that even though there were obstacles in our path, we could still flourish if we worked together to conquer those problems. After just one month, marriage counseling had helped us create a shared vision for our future and a renewed sense of excitement. So, does marriage counseling work? In our case, the answer is yes. In fact, we’ve decided to continue our sessions a while longer. Who needs diamonds when you can have a robust, fulfilling, lasting relationship? Here’s what marriage counselors are secretly thinking during your sessions.

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My Mom Didn’t Just Collect Ornaments—She Collected Memories

My Mom Didn’t Just Collect Ornaments—She Collected Memories

My mother, Anna M. Fischer McQuaid, was a saver and a collector. She kept beloved ornaments from Christmas trees at Dad’s and her childhood homes, some of them with antique candleholders. After 1931, she added ornaments that she and Dad bought or their children and grandchildren made.

After our daughters were born in 1960 and 1970, I started buying special ornaments for them every year and putting them on our tree. I’d mark the year and the recipient on each ornament, forming a starter set for each daughter. Later, when they married and moved out, each received her own traditional ornament collection.

Just about that time, my mother started to sort through her prized collectibles to give to my siblings and me. I was blessed to receive more of them from one sibling who is not a saver.

Now each year, I choose a new selection of these fragile and beautiful ancestral ornaments to hang near the tiny white lights on my little tree. They give me such joy as I give thanks for my mother, the real collector of memories.
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Social Media Strangers Help Return Military Doll to Son of Deployed Soldier

Social Media Strangers Help Return Military Doll to Son of Deployed Soldier

Kim Lane was working behind the counter at a truck stop in Farina, Illinois, when a customer brought her a lost doll that had been left at one of the station’s gas pumps.
One look at the toy—a plush squeeze doll wearing camo and emblazoned with the photo of a soldier—was all it took for Kim to realize the forgotten doll was special.

“I just knew that it had something to do with military personnel,” Kim told local news channel KSDK. “I just wanted to find the person that lost it.”
When she squeezed the doll, her mission became even more inspired. “Hey buddy, it’s Dada. I miss you and I love you,” it said.
Many military parents create similar comforting keepsakes before deploying abroad. The personalized dolls often include an audio box with a recording of the soldier’s voice.
Re-invigorated in her search, Kim took to social media, posting a status about the doll and asking friends for information. The Internet responded accordingly.
“It was nonstop,” Kim says. “Every time I looked at my phone there were more shares, more likes more comments.” And finally, after more than 1,000 shares, a breakthrough. The grandmother of the little boy who owned the doll—a two-year-old named Grayson whose soldier father was deployed—sent Kim a message.
The doll went home—along with a few treats from the truck stop’s shelves.
“With everything going on in the world right now it feels great that so many people are standing behind my husband and military people in general because they don’t really personally know him,” Grayson’s mom, Ashley, told KSDK. “It’s amazing to see social media and the world come together for something seemingly so small.”

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This Special Ed Teacher Invited Students to Join Her Bridal Party. The Photos will Blow You Away.

This Special Ed Teacher Invited Students to Join Her Bridal Party. The Photos will Blow You Away.

They carried out their wedding duties with pride.

In her first year with a class of her own, Kinsey French, a special ed teacher in Louisville, Kentucky, developed a special bond with her students. That’s why when it came to her wedding day, she invited the class to join her bridal party as flower girls and ring bearers. “They were like family to me,” Kinsey told local news outlet WLKY of the students, ages seven to 11. “ They were my first class and they’ve been my only class, and so I knew I couldn’t have a special day without them.”

Kinsey, whose wedding took place on June 3, has taught children with Down syndrome for the past three years at the Christian Academy’s Providence School. Her now-husband, Josh, was involved too—in fact, he proposed to Kinsey in front of the class, knowing how much it would mean to her, writes CNN. The wedding went viral after photographer Lang Thomas Leichhart shared photos of Kinsey in her dress, surrounded by her students. “I was brought to tears many times during the day,” he told CNN. “You can tell how genuine she is to these kids.” And while the children loved carrying out their wedding responsibilities and partaking in photo opps, they told WLKY that their favorite part of the night was the dancing. For Kinsey, it was making memories that will last a lifetime. “It was so exciting,” she told WLKY. “It was really special for Josh and myself just to have them a part of the day, and have them come with us and celebrate with us.”

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