Showing posts with label Diet and Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet and Weight Loss. Show all posts
Ways Your Body Changes When You Start Drinking Enough Water

Ways Your Body Changes When You Start Drinking Enough Water

The research is clear: Staying hydrated is one of the healthiest habits you can adopt. Here are all the ways your body—and brain—get better when you chug, chug, chug.

You'll have more energy

The cells throughout your body need water to function, which is why we can all use tips on getting more water into your diet. "Water is a basic need for cellular health," says Ronald Navarro, MD, orthopedic and sport medicine surgeon at Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center in Harbor City, California. "Cells contain water and are surrounded by water. In dehydration, cell membranes become less permeable, hampering the flow of hormones and nutrients into the cell and preventing waste products that cause cell damage from flowing out." When that's happening throughout your body, your energy is sapped, and fatigue can take over, according to a review of hydration research published in the journal Nutrition Review.

How much water do you need to boost energy? Depending on who you ask, the exact amount varies. Dr. Navarro points to the most agreed-upon recommendation of six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. This could change though, depending on the climate you live in and the type of lifestyle you lead. "Some adults may need more or less, depending on their overall health, including if they have certain illnesses, take specific medications and more. It also depends on how much they exercise and the level of intensity, and how hot and dry the weather is," he explains. If you're interested to know how much water your body is hankering for, talk to your primary care doctor.

Your memory will improve

Your brain is hugely dependent on fluid to work properly. All those synapses and neurons need liquid to fire properly. According to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, one of the most reliable predictors of decline in memory and mental performance is dehydration. And yet, according to Dr. Navarro, some polls estimate that upwards of 75 percent of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. And that number worsens in summer: "We see the rate of dehydration increase in the summer and fall when temperatures are higher and perspiration is more pronounced," he says. If you're concerned you're among the dehydrated masses, here are the signs of dehydration.

Your focus will increase

Ever feel like you have no control over your attention span? Your mind just wanders no matter how hard you try to focus on the task at hand? Drink a big glass of water and watch what happens: According to research published in the journal Nutrients, mild dehydration interferes with brain processing and breaks down the ability to focus. Just like sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, making time to sweat it out in your favorite workout class or log miles on your nearby running path, water is one of the most essential needs of your body. In fact, since we're made up of so much water, it makes sense why we would constantly need it to replenish, cleanse and feed our system.

You'll be stronger and faster

Ever feel sore during a workout, even though you didn't exercise the day before? You can check out these home remedies for sore muscles, but you should also know that those aches and pains or the difficulty you experience when trying to lift a heavier weight or push through that extra mile can be due to dehydration, and not your lack of strength. Research suggests that even a 2 percent drop in hydration can cause significant losses in strength and motivation while increasing feelings of fatigue. Dr. Navarro says that when we take in the right amount of water for our bodies, our muscles become more relaxed, which increases energy and maximizes our performance.

Your skin is more radiant

Ever go for a spa treatment—like a massage or facial—and your therapist makes a point to remind you to drink some water instead of the champagne you're eyeing? That's because skin can benefit greatly from hydration and for some, clear up your skin or make it look younger. (If you're looking for more ways to beautify your skin, try these tips.) "Our skin, the largest organ in our body, relies on water to produce new cells and give us that glow. Our skin also needs water do its job of regulating the body's temperature," Dr. Navarro says. No question: According to research, our skin contains 30 percent water which adds to plumpness and elasticity—vibrancy, in other words.

You'll run cooler

"When we exercise, our bodies cool off by sweating," says Dr. Navarro. "As we perspire, we lose necessary body fluids. If we do not replace these fluids, we become dehydrated. This makes it difficult to sweat and cool down, which can result in a heat injury," he explains. In hot weather, it's important you know the signs of heat stroke. If you're looking for easy ways to stay hydrated during exercise, check out this trendy solution from SMITH + STARR. Co-founders Chelsea Alexander and Fallyn Smith, were inspired to create a bag that offers a hydration solution, so they wouldn't have to lug around a water bottle while commuting in their home city, San Francisco, or while going hiking or camping. Their bag, The Conway, is the first ever cross-body handbag that doubles as a hydration pack. It looks like a bag you'd take while running errands or while out with your friends, but it contains a removable water pouch that holds 17 ounces and a tube for easy hydration right from the shoulder strap.
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The Key to Weight Loss Isn’t About What You Eat…It’s About WHEN

The Key to Weight Loss Isn’t About What You Eat…It’s About WHEN

It may feel chic and European to dine at 9 p.m., but it could mean a bigger waistline over time. Here's what you need to know.

There are a surprising number of everyday habits that could be contributing to weight gain, from drinking diet soda to not getting enough sleep. But here’s an easy one to control, according to new findings presented at the SLEEP 2017 conference.

Apparently, people who make a habit of eating meals later in the day increase their chance of obesity, even if they’re not eating any more than they would have earlier.

For the meal-timing study, researchers created two conditions—daytime eating that consisted of three meals and two snacks consumed between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., and delayed eating that consisted of three meals and two snacks eaten between noon and 11 p.m. All participants had a healthy body mass index (BMI), and for the study they ate the same diets and slept for nearly seven hours every night. A fitness regimen was included for both groups.

After an 18-week period, the delayed eaters showed weight gain, slower metabolism, and increases in insulin and cholesterol levels, and the earlier eaters did not. Late-day eating was also associated with “metabolizing fewer lipids and more carbs,” study author Namni Goel, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine told MedPage Today. “The study provides some of the first experimental evidence that prolonged delayed eating promotes weight gain and a negative profile for fuel oxidation, energy metabolism, and hormonal markers, in normal weight adults.”

And Dr. Goel would expect to see even larger effects in people who already obese or have metabolic syndrome.

It’s been previously established that a lack of sleep can cause weight gain, but this study also showed that meal timing can affect sleep, so eating late is a one-two punch that leads to packing on pounds. Researchers don’t yet understand why metabolism rates are affected by eating later, but they do know that people suffering from insomnia or who sleep erratic hours because of their jobs are often most affected by the consequences of late-day eating.

Dr. Goel hopes more research can be conducted on a much larger scale, with a larger variety of participants, but for now she encourages us to stick to an earlier dining schedule—starting with breakfast around 8 a.m.—to prevent unnecessary weight gain.

“This is a behavioral intervention that, I think, could be beneficial and would be easy to implement in one’s own life,” Dr. Goel says. “Even if people can’t do it all of the time, most of us could do it 80 percent of the time.”

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17 Tiny Weight-Loss Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

17 Tiny Weight-Loss Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Instead of setting vague goals like losing 20 pounds, make your hopes a reality with these subtle diet tweaks.

Eating at your desk or in front of the TV is distracting, and because your brain doesn’t fully realize what you’re eating, you could end up unsatisfied, even with big portions, says Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “People look down after their meal and have no memory of what was on their plate,” she says. “They don’t feel satisfied and are hungry again in an hour.” Ideally, you should spend the full 20 or 30 minutes it takes to eat focusing on your meal. If it’s unrealistic to leave your desk that long during lunch, take at least the first five to ten minutes chowing down without distractions, she says. Find out more about what healthy people do on their lunch breaks.

Pick the smallest container

Whether you’re at a salad bar or frozen yogurt shop, always grab the smallest dish offered. You’ll be surprised by how much you can pack inside, but you'll have less risk of going overboard like you would with an oversized container, says Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, founder of Real Nutrition NYC. “You can still fit a pound of food in the smallest container,” says Shapiro. “People go for the large plate so they don’t get hungry later, but you can always eat again later.”

Drink water before your coffee

A little bit of dehydration can mask as hunger,” says Rumsey. “You might not feel thirsty but are a little dehydrated and can feel hungry, even if you just ate.” But if you stay hydrated, it will be easier to recognize if your body actually needs the calories. Drink 16 ounces of water as soon as you wake up to replenish the water your body lost when you were sleeping, suggests Rumsey. Are you showing signs of dehydration?
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Can’t Take 10,000 Steps a Day? Do This Instead

Can’t Take 10,000 Steps a Day? Do This Instead

For days when it's not feasible to cram in the recommended 10,000 daily steps, this shorter routine has got you covered.

Taking 10,000 steps per day is a great way to get your daily dose of physical activity, but only 15 percent of American men and women regularly hit that healthy target, according to a brand-new study from Oregon State University. Lack of time is the most commonly cited obstacle, but fortunately, there’s an alternative that may be easier to fit into a tight schedule.

In the year-long study, published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Oregon State researchers found that although people who took more steps each day were typically healthier than those who took fewer steps, speed made a difference. Those who took 5,000 to 7,000 steps at a faster pace scored similar health benefits, including things like smaller waist circumference, lower blood pressure, and reduced BMI and cholesterol levels.

Based on these findings, study co-author John Schuna, Jr., PhD, assistant professor of kinesiology at OSU’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences, recommends aiming to take 3,000 steps each day at a brisk pace, which may be 100 or more steps per minute for two and a half hours, or 150 minutes, each week.

This healthy target fits with the guidelines of both the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services, which advise that healthy adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. Examples of moderate intensity workouts include brisk walking, yoga, pushing a lawn mower, gardening, or riding a bike under 10 mph; examples of vigorous intensity activity include jumping rope, running, jogging, biking over 10 mph, and hiking uphill.

“Running or jogging two and a half miles is equivalent to walking 10,000 steps,” says Chauncey Graham, CSCS, an ACE Fitness Professional at Gold’s Gym in Washington, D.C. Higher-intensity workouts also come with added benefits, including improvements to your cardiorespiratory system. “A heightened level of exercise will prevent and lower your risk of many common diseases as well as obesity,” Graham says.

Most experts agree that a mix of high intensity and moderate intensity workouts yield the best results, however, if you’re dedicated to reaching your 10,000 steps each day via walking, try to take 3,000 of those steps at a faster pace. But some exercise is certainly better than none, so if you can spare only 60 seconds to sweat, try these exercises that will transform your body.

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7 Clear Signs You Need to Move More

7 Clear Signs You Need to Move More

Yes, exercise can help you lose weight, but you’ll be surprised at how many other ways it can radically improve your health and well-being.

You're suddenly experiencing pain

We’ve all had one of those mornings—you wake up and your lower back, knee, or shoulder is suddenly aching. But while you might be tempted to wait it out, certified personal trainers Jim Karas and Michelle Blakely suggest getting your body in motion. Just moving your muscles, loosening your joints, and getting blood pumping to that area of your body can be enough to lessen the pain, Karas says. Even clients who have faced longer-term pain, like that which comes with rheumatoid arthritis, have improved their daily movement and ability to do chores by getting regular exercise. After your workout, chow down on one of these foods that fight pain naturally.

You're constantly fatigued

If you’re tired all the time, even with adequate food and sleep, maybe all you need is to move a bit more. It may seem a bit counterintuitive, but a study from the University of Georgia showed that just 20 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise three times a week increased energy levels by 20 percent. Researchers said the findings showed how exercise directly acts on the central nervous system to decrease fatigue, in some cases as much as 65 percent, according to the New York Times. “I like to tell my clients that an object in motion stays in motion,” says Chicago-based personal trainer Traci Mitchell. “It’s kind of like getting that big boulder of motivation moving, and once it gets moving, your energy increases.” Here are more tricks to beat fatigue naturally.

You're stressed

“Stress levels have never been higher,” Karas says, and statistically, he is right. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University showed that stress increased 18 percent for women and 24 percent for men from 1983 to 2009. We’re more worried about finances, constantly bombarded by media and information, and too busy to decompress—and that stress could be making us sick. But just walking, running, or strengthening your body for 20 to 30 minutes three to four times a week is enough to significantly decrease your anxiety, and research shows that adding in music makes that exercise even more effective in fighting stress. “If you’re dealing with a difficult decision, probably one of the best things you can do, whether it’s personal or business, is to get out and put your ear buds on,” Karas says.

Your hormones could use some TLC

Exercise is an excellent way to help regulate your hormones, and you’d be surprised at how much that can impact how you think, look, and feel. For example, boosting your testosterone levels, which can be done through exercise, helps increase your metabolism, maintains youthful-looking skin, and keeps your brain functioning properly, according to Karas.

Your digestion is out of whack

A 30-minute run or brisk walk will do more than just increase your appetite for dinner; it will help you digest your dinner, too. Aerobic exercise quickens your breathing and heart rate, which in turn improves the contraction of your intestinal muscles. As a  result, your digested food passes more quickly through your intestines and out of your body, decreasing constipation. Moving in whatever method (walking, running, swimming, dancing, and even stretching or yoga) will help with digestion.  Enhance the healthy belly benefits your workout by adding foods that boost good gut bacteria to your diet.

Your time-management tricks are failing you

Personal trainer April Sutton says a lot of her clients approach her for assistance when they feel like they’ve lost control over how they structure their time due to overwhelming work and family commitments. “They can’t really think for themselves outside of their jobs because they’re so burnt out,” says Sutton. Trainer Michael Moody has clients prioritize exercise, and think about how other habits (how they eat, sleep, and how much they sit at work) can impact how they feel when they exercise. Becoming “human scientists of their body” helps people better understand how their lifestyles can impact their health, Moody says. From there, it’s a matter of correcting bad habits, and continuing to put aside time to exercise regularly. Besides exercise, successful people do these things after work.

You're not sleeping well

If you’re having trouble nodding off or staying asleep at night, you may need to move a bit more during the day. In a study published in the journal Sleep Medicine, researchers at Northwestern University found that insomniac middle-aged and older participants who exercised and were taught to sleep in a cool, dark room and go to bed at the same time each night got 1.25 more hours of sleep nightly than those who did not participate in physical activity. Whether you have chronic insomnia or you just haven’t been sleeping well lately, getting some aerobic activity in during the day will probably help you catch more Z’s at night. Here are some signs you're not sleeping deeply enough.

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Eucalyptus Oil: How It Heals

Eucalyptus Oil: How It Heals

You can use eucalyptus oil to treat everything from bad breath and body odor to bronchitis and colds and flu.

Australian Aborigines traditionally used infusions of eucalyptus leaves to relieve respiratory congestion, coughs, and fevers, and as topical applications for sore muscles. Essential oil was distilled from eucalyptus trees not long after the first European settlers arrived in Australia. Commercial production commenced in the mid-1800s, and the oil soon came to be highly prized around the world for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

How Eucalyptus Oil Works

Eucalyptus oil contains several active constituents. The most important is 1,8-cineole (sometimes referred to as eucalyptol), which has an antimicrobial effect against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

How to Use Eucalyptus Oil

For respiratory conditions such as asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis, colds and flu, eucalyptus oil is often used as an inhalation—commonly via a nebulizer or vaporizer in which the oil is diluted in steaming water. It is sometimes also used in a cream or ointment that is rubbed onto the chest, delivering the therapeutic actions through a combination of inhalation and the penetration of the oil through the skin. It is also sometimes included in throat lozenges or cough mixtures in minute quantities.

Topical applications of eucalyptus essential oil (usually in dilute concentrations) can also be used to treat infections of various kinds. For example, the essential oil and/or 1,8-cineole derived from it are often included in mouthwash products to help kill the bacteria that cause plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath. Eucalyptus oil can also be added to laundry to kill dust mites in sheets, disinfect clothes and leave the washing smelling fresh.

Research also suggests that an ointment containing eucalyptus oil and other antimicrobial substances may be beneficial in the treatment of fungal toenail infections.

Safety First

Eucalyptus oil should not be taken internally. The topical use of the oil is not suitable for babies, children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people allergic to Eucalyptus spp. Caution is advised with eucalyptus inhalations as they can irritate the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.

Where to Find Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is available in health food stores and pharmacies or from a qualified aromatherapist.
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