Overscheduled? Science-Backed Rules to Make the Most of Your Free Time

Keep it off your calendar

Scheduling every moment of your free time could make it less enjoyable. Picking a specific date and time for a fun activity can decrease the anticipation beforehand and enjoyment in the moment, probably because it starts to feel like an obligation, a Washington University study found. Tossing your calendar to the wayside probably isn’t realistic, but the researchers suggest picking a rough time to see friends—say, “in the afternoon” instead of “2 p.m.”—to keep the meet up flexible instead of feeling like a chore.

Put down your phone

People who use their phones more than 10 hours a day feel more uptight and anxious during free time than those who use their phones about three hours daily, found a Kent State University study. The researchers say people who are on their phones a lot tend to feel obligated to stay connected to them, which can cause stress even when they’re trying to have fun.

Take a photo

You don’t want to live life through a screen, but snapping a photo could boost your enjoyment. In a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, volunteers participated in an activity like eating in a food court or going on a bus, and some were told to take photos. Almost across the board, those who’d snapped pictures said they enjoyed the activities more than those who hadn’t. The exception? Hands-on activities like making an art project, which is why researchers think the extra engagement you get from photo-taking is what brings pleasure. Whip out your phone’s camera when you’re at a museum or the mall to get more in-the-moment fun and some amusing snapshots to look at later. Check out these genius ways to use your phone's camera.

Watch a tearjerker

A comedy will probably bring a smile to your face, but a sad movie could make you happier too. The key is to think of your loved ones, rather than your own life, while you watch. In an Ohio State University study, volunteers who watched a tragic movie and thought about their loved ones increased their happiness when the film was over. But those who had self-centered thoughts like “My life isn’t as bad as the characters in this movie” didn’t have the same happiness boost.

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