How to Control Anger: Few Tips to Calm Down Fast

Are you an angry bird? Try these simple tricks to chill and think before you act.

1)Understand your anger

Think like a detective and track down clues about the kinds of situations, people, and events that trigger your anger, says Dr. Nicholson. Once you’re aware of them, try to avoid them if possible. If you can’t avoid them, at least you’ll know to anticipate them, which will give you more time to prepare for them so they don’t affect you so negatively. Here are more productive things you can do instead of complaining when you're annoyed.

2)Vent, don't stew

If you are angry with a politician, policy, or other public injustice, do something about it. In one study, researchers from the University of Wisconsin tracked the brain-wave patterns in students who had just been told the university was considering big tuition increases. They all exhibited brain patterns signifying anger, but signing a petition to block the tuition increases seemed to provide satisfaction. Put simply, working to right a wrong is life-affirming and positive. Stewing in a bad situation without taking action is the opposite.

3)Don't beat up your pillow

Forget about punching a pillow, a wall, or the object of your anger. Contrary to popular belief, these common reactions don’t decrease your anger. In fact, studies find, they only increase your hostility. And getting angry over little things can dramatically spike your risk of a heart attack.

4)Take three deep breaths

When you’re angry, your body becomes tense, says Robert Nicholson, PhD, assistant professor of community and family medicine at Saint Louis University. Breathing deeply helps lower your internal anger meter. Try these stress management tips.

5)Don't lose it

Whoever loses it, loses. Losing your temper makes you look like the bad guy to everyone else, no matter who is really at fault, says Southern California psychotherapist Tina Tessina, PhD, author of It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction. To get better at controlling your anger, visualize a scene in which you got angry and replay the tape several times, each time envisioning yourself responding a different way. You’re actually rehearsing different reactions and giving yourself new options. The next time you’re close to losing your temper, one of these options will pop into your mind, providing you with a better response.

6)Go for a walk

When you get really angry, walk away from the source. Then take a five-minute walking break to get some fresh air, or do something else that provides calm and relief. If your anger stems from the traffic jam you’re stuck in, turn up the radio and sing at the top of your lungs. The idea: Create a mental and/or physical escape from the situation. Here's how you could lose weight by walking.

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